Sales Revenue Grow By Nearly 50%

Q3 2023 consolidated results

4 January 2024

  • Shelly Group marked another outstanding quarter with growing sales beating their own forecasts. Sales revenue marked an impressive growth of 49.4% reaching BGN 86.3mln, which was due to the focused sales strategy, which was implemented in 2022. A decrease in Additional revenues, consisting predominantly of financial revenues attributable to FX effects, which dropped from BGN 2.7mln to BGN 0.9mln, resulted in Total revenues growing by 44.1% YoY to reach BGN 87.3mln.
  • The company gives greater disclosure about their sales performance (channels, products, markets) in their annual reviews. However, on 11.10.2023 they announced estimated breakdown of sales for the 9 months. In that, the Shelly devices sales were shown to reach BGN 84mln or 97.3% of product sales. In the same time, the tracking devices MyKi were not able to garner the necessary demand and revenues from them decreased 31.5% to BGN 2.2mln. Considering the focus of Shelly group on IoT solutions and such for smart homes, MyKi’s contribution was marginal and declining. For that purpose, the management decided that its results would not be included in the future sales expectations announcements, as they were deemed insignificant.
  • EBITDA increased 66.8% to reach BGN 23.9mln, which is the result of the increased investments last year in the sales channels and RND processes. This affected the largest account COGS, which increased just by 28% to BGN 37mln. Even the serious hike in administrative expenses by 64% to BGN 22.9mln, predominantly due to employee compensations and external services, was not able to affect EBITDA seriously. We notice a very positive shift towards efficiency from the management of the company.
  • Net profit of the group increased 65.6% to BGN 19.5mln as a result of the abovementioned improvements and the fairly constant amortization and the Net margin improved by 2.9% to 22.30%.
  • The positive Net Profit changes affected ROA, ROE and ROIC, which reached the highest values in the last 3 years.
  • Current ratio halved to 6 from 2021 results due to the increase in Current Liabilities, which is largely due to the increase in Trade Payables (payments to suppliers as a result of increased sales) and increased tax liabilities for corporate tax.
  • Cash ratio’s decline is explained by the same large leap of Current Liabilities.
  • The company remains very liquid and stable with cash representing nearly 14x total debt and 34x short term debt.
  • The company lent EUR 280,000 to Expat Capital for 1 year at 1% p.a.
  • In July 2023 the company increased the capital with 50,946 shares of BGN 1.00 each allowing greater ownership by employees of the company and those of subsidiaries within the group. The new share count is 18,050,945.
  • On 06.12.2023 the Group announced the results from the “Black Friday” campaign, which confirmed their expectations for the year end results for 2023. Main outtakes were:

    • Growth of “Black Friday” sales by 115% compared to the same period last year to reach BGN 28.4mln.
    • Number of home automation devices more than doubled to 1.1mln items.
    • Products for reporting and reducing energy consumption, as well as plug-and-play devices, considered to be key in future growth.
    • Confirmed FY 2023 sales growth forecast with 51.0% to BGN 140.8 mln and an increase in EBIT by at least 63.5% to BGN 33.2 mln
    • Expectations are that in the mid-term, by the end of 2026, the company will be able to generate sales of over BGN 390 mln and EBIT of over BGN 98mln.
    • Dimitar Dimitrov, executive director of the group, expects to ramp up sales and RND efforts in the upcoming 2 years and increase their market leadership with new functions in their Gen3 products in 2024 and Gen4 products in 2025.
    • Wolfgang Kirsch, executive director of the group, confirmed that reporting energy consumption and finding ways to save, is a trend, which will become even more important for individual as well as corporate clients. According to him, Shelly Group is well positioned to reap the benefits of it.

Ivaylo Valchev
Equity Analyst
Tel.: +359 2 937 9862

Svetozar Abrashev
Senior Managing Partner
Tel.: +359 2 937 9869

Sofia International Securities
Sofia 1000,
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Tel.: + 359 2 937 98 65

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