22 July 2024

Stock Exchange Stats

Index Close Weekly Change % YTD
SOFIX 864.55 0.08 13.00
BGBX 40 169.84 0.24 7.58
BGREIT 190.93 0.37 0.33
Index P/E EV/S P/BV
SOFIX 7.54 -0.06 1.84
BGBX 40 10.98 0.31 1.85
BGREIT 18.54 n/a 2.31

BSE Weekly Gainers & Losers

Top Gainers Price Change %
PET Petrol AD 0.95 18.75
TIB Telematic Interactive 16.00 7.38
FPP Fairplay Properties 0.92 6.98
MSH M+S Holding 10.70 4.90
SFB Sopharma Buildings 13.10 4.80
Top Losers Price Change %
AROM Aroma 1.00 -27.01
LOMP Lomsko Pivo 0.12 -23.13
ELHM Elhim Iskra 0.80 -13.98
ZHBG Zarneni Hrani 0.12 -7.69
T57 Trace Group 4.62 -7.60

Market Overview (15 July – 19 July)

The main Bulgarian index SOFIX increased this week by 0.08% to 864.55 points. The broad index BGBX40 increased this week by 0.24% to 169.84 points and BGREIT increased this week to 190.93 points, up by 0.37%.

Corporate News

Webit Investment Network (WIN) – announced that their investment iSchool realized for H1 2024 growth of paying members of 746%, leading to YoY growth in sales of more than 3x to reach USD 4.97mln.

Advance Terrafund (ATER) – published their June results. Currently they own 180,275 decares. Of that 172,880 decares is rentable and 84.8% is currently rented out at an average price of BGN 64.85. The growth in rent levels over the last 3 years has had a very positive impact on the funds revenues. Rent has gone up from BGN 41.62 per decare in 2021-2022, to BGN 56.03 in 2022-2023 to BGN 64.85 in 2023-2024.

Shelly Group (SLYG) – their shares started getting traded in EUR on 18.06.2024 at a conversion factor of 1.95583. Their shares were traded in BGN until 17.07.2024. Because of this, the drop in the nominal value of their shares last week represents this change, not a decrease in the underlying value of the company or unforeseen dynamics.

Trace Group (T57) – announced that their joint venture with A.D.Hold, where Trace Group has 40% interest and A.D.Hold 60%, has won the tender by State Agency “Road Infrastructure” for laying horizontal markings on the roads of the republican roads (main roads) on the territory of the country in the South East region, which includes the regions of Burgas, Sliven, Stara Zagora and Yambol. The amount of the contract is for BGN 35mln and the term for completion is 48 months.

Economic News

Bulgaria’s current account surplus widened to EUR 185.3 million in May 2024 from EUR 40.8 million in the corresponding month of the previous year, as the services surplus increased to EUR 539.6 million from EUR 441.8 million. At the same time, the primary income gap shrank to EUR 13.5 million from EUR 257.8 million a year earlier, and the secondary income surplus rose to EUR 134.3 million from EUR 109.9 million. Meanwhile, the goods deficit widened to EUR 475.1 million from EUR 253 million. In January to May, the country recorded a current account surplus of EUR 468.3 million, shifting from a deficit of EUR 397.6 million in the same period last year.

Bulgaria’s inflation rate rose to 2.5% in June 2024 from 2.3% in the previous month. This marked the highest reading since March, as prices increased for food and non-alcoholic beverages (1.5% vs 1% in May), housing & utilities (3.9% vs 3.2%), and restaurants & hotels (7.5% vs 6.8%). At the same time, costs rebounded for recreation & culture (1.3% vs -2.1%). Meanwhile, inflation moderated for alcoholic beverages & tobacco (5.3% vs 6%), clothing & footwear (0.2% vs 0.8%), and transport (4.9% vs 5.3%). On a monthly basis, the CPI fell 0.2%, the same pace as in the previous month.

Ivaylo Valchev
Equity Analyst
Tel.: +359 2 937 9862

Svetozar Abrashev
Senior Managing Partner
Tel.: +359 2 937 9869

Sofia International Securities
Sofia 1000,
140 G. S. Rakovski Str.
Tel.: + 359 2 937 98 65



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